Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Gluten-FreeYorshire Pudding

Yes, I am going back to my roots. If you didn't know, I am a Yorkshire Las. My Dad is from Leeds England and I have enjoyed learning about my heritage.  My Dad has always had a big Yorkshire personality and along with that "funny" way of talking (just kidding Dad), he is also an amazing cook. I hope he will like my gluten-free version of this Yorkshire classic.  I have to admit that I really didn't even know what Yorkshire pudding was until recently. It is definitely not pudding like we know it.  It was originally created as a plan to catch and use all the dripping in the pan and was actually cooked under the meat, catching the drippings as it cooked.

 In 1737 a recipe foe 'A dripping pudding' was published in "The Whole Duty of a Woman":
Make a good batter as for pancakes; put in a hot toss-pan over the fire with a bit of butter to fry the bottom a little then put the pan and butter under a shoulder of mutton, instead of a dripping pan, keeping frequently shaking it by the handle and it will be light and savoury, and fit to take up when your mutton is enough; then turn it in a dish and serve it hot.

Well any way, as they say in Yorkshire, 

'Ear all, see all, say nowt;
Eyt all, sup all, pay nowt;
And if ivver tha does owt fer nowt -
Do it fer thissen

(Translation: 'Hear all, see all, say nothing; Eat all, drink all, pay nothing; And if ever you do anything for nothing - Do it for yourself

(Of course, you know when the Yorkshire pudding is ready in my house when the smoke alarm goes off.)

Gluten-Free Yorkshire Pudding

1 C millet flour (or any gluten free flour you like) (I use my own soaked, dehydrated, and freshly ground flour)
1 t sea salt
1/2 t baking powder
¼ t xanthan gum
3  eggs
1  C Milk 

1 C of chicken or beef pan drippings (you can also use butter if you don't have pan drippings.)

(Makes about 8 -12 servings)
Preheat oven to 425. Mix all dry ingredients well. Beat eggs separately, then add to dry ingredients and mix well. Add the milk and beat on high for a couple of minutes (should be the consistency of thick cream). Put about 2 tablespoons of chicken or beef drippings into the bottom a  muffin pan and put in the oven to heat up for about 5 minutes. Take out of oven and distribute the batter evenly over the hot drippings. Bake at 425 for about 15 minutes. You can also use a cast iron pan and just make one big Yorkshire pudding. That is actually the more traditional method of cooking it. I personally just like to have the individual servings that the muffin pan creates fro you.

This blog is part of Real Food Wednesday 


Liberty said...

looks divine!
love the quote ...have you read wee sir gibbie?
link on how to eat it:

Kim said...

These used to be my favourite part of Sunday dinner growing up, my dad makes a mean yorshire pudding :)

Since going gluten free and dairy free years ago, I have not eaten his. I wonder if I could use coconut oil in place of the pan drippings or butter??? Might have to try it out.

Thanks for the recipe.

Unknown said...

Hi Kim,
Yes, I bet you could use coconut milk and coconut oil. I think I will give it a try as a variation.
Let me know if you do.

stephanie said...

Love Yorkshire pudding. I totally need to try this. Anything with this much beef drippings has to be good. Thanks!