Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sculpture Day!

My kids are lucky to have a Grandma who is an artist. The kids have grown up seeing all her beautiful sculptures and paintings around her house which has really contributed to their love and  appreciation for all art.

I am so excited about our new Tuesday ritual of spending the morning sculpting together. This past week we met in my Mother in law's back yard for our first Sculpting Tuesday. The weather was beautiful and we all felt the excitement in the air.  I am so thrilled for the kids to get this opportunity to get their hands in real clay and I am finding it so therapeutic as I wake up that artist within me. This is truly an artistic community/ family building experience. By creating art side by side, we all learn from each other without being told the step by step method of doing it. By watching their Grandmother sculpt a face with her wise knowing hands, they learn to trust their own knowing in their own hands.

***Jetta's face on left and sun on right.

***Sculpting a face

***My sculpture......three women. I am not quite done, but I felt really good about this piece as it seemed to come out from my soul. This must be my first sculpture in more then 10 years.
Boo made the most amazing woman. So full of fun and quirky energy. Very different from her usual work. I guess this new experience is going to be good for all of us.

I am so excited about next week. I can hardly wait. I will keep you posted on what we create. It is so neat to have three generations of artist creating together.

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