Saturday, June 09, 2012

birth announcement! (baby chicks)

I have been up all night worried about our new babies. Are they too warm?  To cold?  Have they eaten and had enough water? Are they getting enough sleep? I kept going in to check being extra quiet so as not to disturb them. Wow, I never new I would become so attached to these little chicks. Watching them hatch, take their first steps, and see their personalities emerge has been life changing. I am pretty tired today but I guess that is just par for the course with new babies right?

(This post was written a few days ago. Since then we have had 10 more chicks hatch. Here are some pics of the first three born named Uno, Buffy, and Goldie. More pics of our whole brood to come.)
Uno looking straight at the camera

Buffy was a fire cracker from the minute she came out of her shell. I think she will be one to rule the roost. 

Part of  Natural Parenting group Monday Blog Hop