Sunday, November 25, 2012

Creative Doll Making......."wool and silk!"

Although I guess you might say that I am pretty crafty, I have to admit that following a pattern or structure is not my forte. But, I love using random material or ingredients to create something magical. I have so many stacks of books with how too's and step by step's that I envisioned myself using. Now they are just collecting dust while we re-purpose and stitch together old scraps, found objects, and bits of nature in any old way that will work. I can't say that they always last.  As my daughter says "It is so much more fun not knowing what it will look like ahead of time. I love surprises!" I guess I do too. 
 The kids got to sewing the other day. I snapped these pictures of them hard at work as I made my cup of tea.

It always amazing me what these little hands can do.


Kim said...

Creative minds at work are the best. Love these photos.

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