Saturday, June 25, 2011

Garden babysitters

Since we have been on our FL vacation my mother along with mother in law, aunt and friends  have been so kind to take care of our newly planted garden and our 2 kitty cats. We tried to harvest and take as much produce with us on our trip which we ate up pretty quick. We are working toward become more self sufficient in our home. Making more, buying less. Spending less time in stores and more time working with our hand and with each other doing things that bring us joy and fulfillment. Look for a post to follow with some of our plans.

I took these pictures of the garden before we left. It will be fun to see the changes in the garden when we return. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends and family.

French beans:
Speckled Lettuce (yummy):
 Pumpkins and peas and zucchini in the background: 
 Tomatoes and cucumbers happily climbing up the new trellises John made:
Black beauty squash/ zucchini:
3 types of chard and kale:
John bringing is arugula from the garden and ribs from the bar-b-q:

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