I would like to introduce you to Jetta's new brother,
Pilot Chandler Earle-Smith.
Born on Saturday, March 3, 2007, at 6:23 pm.
He was 7lb 14.5oz and 20in long.
"Birth Day Story"
The day of his birth was quite magical. I woke up to some contractionsI though may be labor, but went to teach my voice class because I wasn't sure. It was such a gorgeous day that after my class I made a picnic lunch (bratwurst sandwiches) and invited Boo to come downtown to the park with us. After eating lunch on the park bench we strolled down to the dock to feed the ducks, and ran into Jetta's best friend, Diane, and her parents (and our good friends). I let everyone know I thought I might be in labor and we we went about enjoying the morning in the sun. I really had such a wonderful time talking and laughing (working through contractions all the while). At about 2pm John thought we should go home and so we went. I snuggled with Jetta and put her down for a nap as she cuddled with Pilot (in my belly), telling him how much she loved him, Saying, " You my best baby". I got up and walked down stairs to call the midwives and see what we should
do next. At that point the contractions got stronger and by 4 we were
making snacks to take to the birth center with us. Boo came over to
picture that) while I am moaning, HARDER (I thing he got the workout of his life). I ended up pushing him out a little less then 2 hours after arriving and just as the the total lunar eclipse was takingplace. I could not believe that he was really here and so beautiful and perfect. I feel so grateful to everyone who was there helping make this birth so special. John was my strength both mind and body and continues to amaze me. Jessica, my sister, was my Doula and brought such a healing energy to the birth. Pilot is so lucky to have the best aunt in the world. And my midwives were wonderful. When I thought I couldn't do it, they just continued to believe in me and remind me of my power as a birthing woman. Pilot was nursing within 30 minutes of being born and hasn't stopped yet. We came home from the birthing Center that night at about 10:30pm and had a blissful night together with our new little boy. Grandma Boo has been SO AMAZING. She has taken Jetta to her house and watched her for us with such joy and openhearted nature. She has given us the gift of this time with Pilot. Jetta has come to visit each day and just loves her new brother. She still doesn't know why he can't "do anything" yet. I told her, soon he will be chasing you around the house and playing. Pilot has the most
with deepest love,
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