Sunday, March 19, 2006

Under the Covers

Jetta speaks in full sentences now. They sound something like this..."Mommy, lsdfoi uhsdmnfkdfhkdnksjdfhlsdfnbskj book." fkjhsdkfjhsidfhskdjfhksjdfh Boo bath. " "Mommy, lskjdfisdufhksjdfh yo yo berry?" It is just so cute. She is such a little social girl. She goes up to other kids and just looks them right in the face and says "Hi, ksjdfhisudhf chu chu? Let's go!" It is all about the berries, the chu chu (any truck, van or train), the beh beh buls, the books, the baths and the Let's go!. She is a never ending bunch of energy let me tell you. The nights have been much better now. She is sleeping well. We go to sleep and read many books until she falls asleep. Last night I was in the middle of reading Corduroy to her and she says "night night" and proceeds to crawl under the blankets down by my feet, just like a Kitty, and lets out a big sigh "ahhh", and next thing I hear is nothing. She is asleep. (Interesting side bar: Just the night before John had fantasized about Jetta doing just that) She never fails to entertain. Always mixing it up. I love that little girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.